Sunday 28 July 2013

End of Week 7

Miles run this week= 41miles

Miles since start of training = 233

Days to go to race= 69

Been up at ridiculous o'clock in the mornings to beat the heat and run before work. Has kind of worked and it's been good at the weekends to not disappear for a big chunk of the day and actually be around with the kids.
On down side more noticeable bags under my eyes, which start to droop at 8 in the evening ....
Kind of glad weather broken and even nice to run soaking wet in the rain .... may I regret saying that?

Had my sister in law over from Spain staying this week so that's been great as she offered, yes offered, to get up early with me to accompany me on the long weekend run , on a bike. Sadly no rollerskates and tow rope for me, but still it was really good to have someone there as I plodded along for two hours.

Next week I really need to get into this drinking-while-running malarkey and also try those energy gel shots that my other half assures me are 'goppingly rank'. Otherwise as the distance gets longer I think I'll start to dry up and get hungry..... it's amazing how much of my time when running is spent thinking about what exatly I want to eat once I get back in from running!

Please, please will you look at these websites and consider donating to the charities that I'm running for:

Dont forget to look at my just giving website for MSF ( international medical charity)

and to look at
(local charity supporting those affected by Domestic Violence)

Thanks for reading !


Sunday 14 July 2013

End of week 5

Miles run this week: 35
Miles run since start of training: 155
Days to go to race: 83 days

I'm not sure if anyone is really reading this but if they are I'm still plodding , hamstring nicely pummelled and taped by fab local sport therapist, Jane, and I'm still managing to stick to the training plan.

The heat has been hard work - ended up getting up at the ungodly hour of 6am for long run this weekend to try and beat it . Still ended up with beetroot red face dripping in sweat.

When I've saved up the next investment is compression shorts. Jane reckons it'll help stop my bum wobbling when I run and stop the deep ache I'm getting in my gluts.

Not all glamour this running malarkey, you know..........

Off to sort out the stockportwithoutabuse giving page at mycharitypage ..... oh, I'm rubbish at the techy stuff.....